Wednesday, March 9, 2011


There is so much to say, so many pictures to take, so many cute and adorable things that they say. But oh so.little.time.

And energy. I have occasional bursts of energy that occur about 15 minutes after I drink a cup of coffee. These are very beneficial but only last until I have the kitchen cleaned up after breakfast and everyone's clothes on.

I've been eating chocolate to carry me from the morning coffee to my afternoon cup and then to the bed but I really need to cut that out. That is on my to-do list. Kick chocolate habit.

Well that is enough whining for one post. Here are some cute and adorable pictures of children.

Glad I got a picture of this because Neiv has been bending her
elbow and saying "Wook!" for weeks now. She is very very proud of her tattoo. And the tattoo is the most stubborn little sucker I have ever encountered. It refuses to wash off. So for weeks Neiv has been trying to get the attention of every stranger at the grocery store or park to contort her elbow and say "wook!" This could go on for a long time.
Abra on the other hand, still does not speak to or look at strangers in the grocery store. She loves to look pretty and have her picture taken though. She has her Daddy's sweetness and her Mommy's vanity. We'll see how this turns out.

What can I say about this face? I love him. If he were only as docile as he looks.