Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Neivikins strikes again

I was blow drying my hair the other morning while Oliver was napping and the girls were "playing" in their room. It was eerily quiet when I turned off the blow dryer so I went in search of the younger daughter. As soon as I walked into the bedroom the smell of nail polish hit me like a ton of bricks. In that moment I remembered that I had left some nail polish on my bedside table the night before.

There she was, frozen in the corner with the nail polish in her hands. I ran over to find one set of toes (the entirety of her toes) already painted and drying. She had moved on to her fingers and only gotten a couple done before I arrived.

That girl is good with her hands. I don't think Abra could have twisted the top off that nail polish. I don't know if she has a future in nail painting though. I just hope she doesn't try cutting her hair next.


Shannon and Andrew said...

Too funny! That girl is a handful. Can't blame a girl for wanting to look pretty ;)