These might be the sweetest girls on the planet. Abra and Neiv get along better with each passing day. They certainly have those days when they constantly harass each other but on the whole, they love each others' company. Yesterday morning, Abra got up before Neiv and was hanging out with me and Oliver in the living room. She made a "Neiv is sleeping TOO long" comment and I said she was tired and needed the sleep. I go to start breakfast and next thing I know, Abra prances in saying "Neiv is up!" and poor sleepy Neiv stumbles in behind. Well Neiv had NOT woken up on her own of course - Abra decided she had waited long enough for her companion to appear.
This boy is so busy these days. He moves at lightening speed when he wants to and may prove twice as destructive as either of the girls. He has many diverse interests - pulling books off the shelves, emptying the diaper drawer, pulling over all my cookbooks, snatching salad dressing out of the fridge and sucking on the tops, destroying the tupperware cabinet, and eating play-do, crayons, and coloring books.
There's a fair bit of mischief in that Oliver-face, Mrs. Ruth! We're not fooled. :)
Luke is asking for a picture of you, too, BTW. He and Abby still ask about you guys from time to time.
So much fun! I can't wait for my boys to start playing together more. We are in that ever-so-frustrating stage where Noah is to active to be a prop and doesn't follow directions well enough to join Owen's games.
We need to make a trip down soon so Noah and Oliver can pull cookbooks off shelves together. It is one of his favorite games too ;)
How precious!! I am so sorry I am a horrible friend and haven't been keeping in touch. I can see you are going good and you have your hands FULL!
Eli and Alex keep us running for sure. I am much better on facebook than my blog...I need to do better...
Take care :-)
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