Friday, July 17, 2009

Neiv obviously has a bad sense of humor....

If she thinks Daddy is that funny.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Potty accomplishments!

I have to update since I have had an exciting day (except for Neiv and that awful diaper rash which led to 1.5 hrs of crying tonight - I guess you could consider that exciting though). Abra has really turned a corner with the potty. A friend told me to make her be naked since the theory is that they won't want to pee into thin air - unlike having panties on and knowing the pee will be soaked up. So this morning she got up and I said "you wet all your panties so we are going to have to be nakey" (Abra-ism). The funny thing was that she felt so uncomfortable naked that she would ONLY sit on the potty. For hours. So lots of pee went into the potty with plenty of praise and treats. She hardly even ate she was so nervous about being up from the potty. So at lunchtime she finally started sitting at the table to eat and getting down every few minutes to sit on the potty. This ended with her peeing which was the first breakthrough since she got off the potty then sat back down willingly when she felt that she needed to. Awhile later I coaxed her into joining me on the kitchen floor about 15 feet away from the potty and building blocks. We played for about 10 minutes when suddenly, very calmly, she got up, said she had to pee, and went and sat on the potty - and peed within 30 seconds! I was shocked. After that she got up and down with a bit more confidence and went back to the potty to pee 5 or 6 times. Poop did end up in her pull-up after nap but I think that will come soon enough. I am just soooo glad there is no more hysterical crying and she seems really excited about her new ability.

Potty-training diaries and other musings

Bathing beauty. Neiv has been very sweet (for Neiv) the last few days while I have been pulling my hair out with Abra. Probably because I just end up holding her more (translation: no laundry, cleaning, cooking etc. is getting done). She is sleeping really well at night and even took a 2 hr nap the other day. She is a more cuddly baby believe it or not, compared to Abra. She will give us real hugs/kisses and her little face just lights up when we get her up from a nap or come rescue her from the strangers in the nursery.

I was so proud of myself for taking step #1 in making Neiv's baby food instead of paying $1 a pop for the gerber sets. I steamed up a bag of frozen peas then pureed them down to a nice consistency and put them in little freezer friendly containers for future use. I then fed some to Neiv who thought they were gross but I figured she'd get used to them - she has to - I have alot of pureed peas now. Unfortunately a couple hours after I gave her the peas she started having an upset tummy which turned into the worst diaper rash I have ever seen. This led to lots of screaming last night and this morning when I tried to change her or put cream on it.

So much for my nice little frozen pea containers. Of course she had no reaction to the gerber peas. Foiled again.

Abra is having a hard time with the potty. It took one entire day (friday) just to get her to not cry when she sat on it. But she can hold her pee for long periods until she is not on the potty so I know she is ready - it is just a matter of it all coming together. We are making baby steps in the right direction. This is day 4 of staying in the kitchen all day not to mention that Alan had to work all weekend. If I make it through this with my sanity, it will not be on my own strength, that is for sure. The weather forecast for the next 3 days is 104, 102, and 101. I guess staying in the AC isn't all that bad.

The picture was a cute moment yesterday though. I made her a grilled cheese for dinner and she took little bites out of it in a sloping direction from one side then held it up and said "look Mommy, a dinosaur!!" So I told her to hold the dinosaur up for me to take a picture. It is so funny to see where their little imagination takes them.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Gettin' cuter all the time

She is doing so well on solids that we just gave her a drumstick the other day.

Look at those teeth!

She is super smiley when happy. When she's not happy, it's scary. A woman with extreme moods. Fun times.

Making a mess with some carrots.

This is Neiv with our friend Josh. I thought it was a good
picture to show how roly-poly she's getting. She loves to pose while chompin' on one finger huh?

We hung out with Josh and KC at a starbucks and then ate at the Mongolian BBQ joint next door last Saturday. Pretty dang tasty and Neiv was chill the entire time. Shocking.

Back from my sabbatical

I am back from my blogging sabbatical. Thanks for allowing me the time of reading, reflecting and refocusing.

Just kidding. There has been none of that - except maybe reading if you count "Toilet-Training in a Day." Other than that, any spare time I get I have just been sitting and staring at the wall. Or eating cinnamon rolls. Sometimes both.

Neiv has been doing great on her solids! She has probably gained 4 lbs since we started. The amount that she is eating has really shot up in the last week. She has liked almost everything we've thrown at her. Maybe she'll turn out to be a good eater like big sista. I hope so. I take her to be weighed tomorrow and am excited to see how much poundage those new leg rolls have added.

Abra took her 2nd ever boat ride while we were in Augusta and really loved it (despite the questionable look on her face). Now every time we see someone pulling a boat around town she says "I LIKE Papa's boat!" Very cute.